The Stretch Yourself Perpetual Reading Challenge, hosted on Should Be Reading, asks you to:
- Choose 4 or more books that:
- You've put off reading
- Are in a genre you don't normally read from (but wish you did)
- Are outside of your reading comfort zone
- Intimidate you, for whatever reason (e.g. length, reputation) - Read and review them.
(Even if you didn't enjoy them. Reviews may be as short as you like)
You do not need to pre-select your books, you can add or edit your list at any time.
Chosen Books:
- Wicked Lovely, by Melissa Mar
I've put off reading this book because I don't know if I'll get all the way through it - I enjoyed Ink Exchange from the same series, but the writing style is at odds with me. - Fragile Eternity, by Melissa Mar
I've put off reading this one for the same reason as number 1. - City of Bones, by Cassandra Claire
I've put off reading this book because I own it - "it's always there if I want to read it" but I always end up in the library. - Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Coyote Moon, by John Vornholt
I've put off reading this book because after a look at the first page I realised that I don't like the writing style. - Night World: Huntress, by L.J. Smith
I've put off reading this book, simpley because there's always something else to read.
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